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Gaming Accessibility and Inclusivity

Representation in the games industry has come a long way. Gone are the days where games would only include women as victims and objects of desire, and where women’s contributions at development studios were overlooked. Aloy in Guerrilla Games’ Horizon Zero Dawn, and Ellie and Abby in Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us Part II, are all independent women in leading roles, with strong personalities and storylines that don’t revolve around romance or men– a notable step in the right direction. “There

Online Gaming Safety

According to annual research conducted by Ofcom, gaming on mobile phones, games consoles, tablets and computers is one of the top activities enjoyed online by 5-16 year-olds. And, while there are certainly benefits to gaming – such as improving hand-eye coordination and problem-solving – there are certain risk factors, too, such as addictive behaviours and online bullying, which affects approximately 12 per cent of young people in the UK, according to the UK Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC). For p

Predicting the games industry’s biggest trends of 2022

Analysts discuss the innovations and developments they expect will shape the coming year in games. 2021 was a record-breaking year for the games industry in numerous ways. Mobile analyst firm Sensor Tower said revenue in the mobile space grew 14% compared to 2020. The NPD Group’s annual report showed total sales in the industry reached a new high at just over $60 billion, and, as the Drake Star Partners global gaming report showed, deals and investments climbed to a record-breaking high of $85

" Ruff Ghanor , the Deckbuilder with TTRPG-Style Storytelling, Is Out Now for PC, PlayStation®, and Xbox®" - Games Press

Harness the world’s power in the palm of your hand, and free your people from tyranny in Ruff Ghanor, an exciting new deckbuilding roguelike from DX Gameworks and Jovem Nerd’s world of Ghanor. Jovem Nerd is one of the best-known and most popular content hubs in Brazil, and Ruff Ghanor is the first time one of their internationally renowned universes has made the jump to video games.

"VanillaBeast: Ace in the Hole Kickstarter Campaign Is Live Now" - Games Press

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering “what do golf champions, camp counselors, and a Vegas vacation with some of adult entertainment’s most recognizable stars have in common” then you’ve evidently read our top-secret planning documents and know the answer anyway. For everyone else, these are just a few of the bodacious backer rewards Vanilla Gaming Company has in store for backers in its just-launched VanillaBeast: Ace In The Hole Kickstarter campaign – and it’s just the tip.